Sunday, January 20, 2013

Record the Mark

I have a goal.

Not one of those new year's resolution types.
The kind of goal that has been on my heart my whole life. 
Before I even knew it was there...
it was.

Maturity brought understanding of what I want, brought it into picture, but logically it has felt more like a just a day dream of a possibility...children's' laughter in the distance.

Still...I make plans.

Some goals are all about doing, checking off lists and being done.
This goal feels out of my control, but I am willing.

So I do what I can do now to prepare for the opportunity,
and I pray.

Then, just like that He hears.

A casual kitchen conversation reveals that God works in mysterious ways. The day goes on like nothing happened, but I know....I witnessed hope with my own ears; still my heart is a little slow to celebrate...still cautious weighing reality, own fear.

Still distant, but every step is counts, so I record this mark.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. Sacred moments. Love it and especially you.


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