Tuesday, December 8, 2009

For the Love of Hot Shocolate

"Mama, I play in snow?"

"No baby, way too cold out there."

Ten minutes later.

"Mama, I make tracks in snow?"

"I'm so sorry buddy, it's so cold."

And so went my day. It broke my heart. I love playing in the snow, and what mother doesn't want her child to experience the wonder of snow?
But it really was cold.
So cold.

Finally, when the older snow buddies got home from school, I consented to let him go out with them. I tracked down socks and boots, snow pants, hat, mismatched mittens; covered all but dimpled cheeks and sent him out to play.

Two minutes later.

Is that a knock...
mittened hand pounding on door?
I crack it open and peek out at him, dimples bright red with chill.....smiling.

"Hot shocolate, Mama?"

Today when the little scamp asked to go outside, I skipped the hassle and just turned on the kettle.

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